Grand Rapids, Michigan, May 17, 2018 – Every quarter CD Barnes Construction recognizes a subcontractor for going above and beyond expectations on a project. This quarter, CD Barnes’ Project Manager, Chris Westover nominated Allied Electric for their superior workmanship at the 1000 East Paris medical building renovation. Founded in 1969, Allied Electric is a multifaceted electrical contractor and has partnered with CD Barnes Construction on numerous projects.
Detailing his reasoning behind choosing Allied Electric for CD Barnes’ Key To Our Success award, Mr. Westover explained how they consistently met all the project goals without any issues. A common problem facing the construction industry across the board is the lack of qualified and experienced employees to fill open positions; however, Allied was able to keep the project staffed appropriately throughout the duration of the project. Most importantly, noted Chris, the Allied team followed all of CD Barnes’ stringent safety protocols without pushback. “It can be hard to get all of our subcontractors on board with our new safety standards,” noted CD Barnes’ Safety Director, “but as the industry starts buying in to the behavioral based safety programs, the pushback will subside with time.”